Wednesday, April 26, 2023

What the hay?????


20230415 Hay

A few weeks ago, during AZ Gives Day, we did a fundraiser with a goal of $12,000 to purchase a load of hay. With the incentive of a $5000 matching donation we raised $10,620 dollars for a total of $15,620 in donations to purchase hay. So purchase hay we did!!!!! Our first load cost $12,202 and provided us with over 500 3-string bales of bermuda grass.

20230422 Hay Delivery

But that was not enough to help our dwindling supply of 1400 pound bales of bermuda grass that we put out in the pastures, in slow-feed hay nets, so the horses, donkeys and minis have access to forage 24 hours a they do in the wild.

Having access to hay when their stomachs tell them the are hungry greatly reduces the risk of colic and since we have been feeding like this, we have rarely had an equine colic or ulcers which can also be caused by too much time between feedings.

On 4-20-23, we a recieved $13,118 semi load of hay.

20230420 Hay delivery

With the known shortages of hay, rising cost of fuel and the other resources needed to grow hay, there is no end is sight of when to cost might come down.

On 4-22-23, another $13,840 load of large bales was also delivered. Last year, these same loads were costing a little over $9,000 each. The increase is staggering and the reason so many are reducing their herds or struggling to feed them.

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Last year we bit the bullet and did the same bulk purchase, cost was almost $30,000, it blows my mind that this year it is $39,160, almost $10,000 higher.

We applied the rest of the funds raised on AZ Gives day, $3,620 towards this purchase, but we could still use donations to help us cover the rest. We have always been frugal with our funds and looked to the needs of those at the rescue, before taking on addtional equines with needs.

20230406 2 pony mares

In fact, with calls coming in almost daily with people asking if we have room for their horses or donkey, we have been networking to find them homes rather than bringing them to the rescue.

Last weekend these two sweet pony mares went to their new home to live with 3 mini horses that were adopted from us from the Sweet 16 from Michigan. Big thanks to Vicki and her family for making room.

2023-04-20 Heavenly

This weekend, Heavenly, will be transported from Scottsdale to Snowflake to start her new life with our volunteers Darin and Shanon. They also adopted Salt and Pepper, two pony mares that were rescued in 2019, rehabbed at our Board member, Karen's ranch in California, and received some ground training before coming to Snowflake and shortly after being adopted by the Greave's family.

All these are efforts to provide for those at the rescue first, yet still help those in the community that need assistance. If you would like to help us with donation to build back the $39,000 spent on hay, it would be so appreciated. We know funds are tight for many and want you to know that we value every dollar donated and with no staff or employees, those funds go to care for the horses, donkeys and minis at the rescue. Our fabulous volunteers work so hard every day so we can use the funds where most needed! If you would like to help, just click the button below and we thank you so very, very much for supporting our mission of providing love care for equines in need.

Equine WellBeing Rescue is a 501c3 public charity which is 100% volunteer run and managed. There is no paid staff or employees so funds donated go to the care of the equine at the rescue and others in need that we can help. Our volunteers are loving, caring and the best ever!!!!

There are lots of wonderful charities to support and we are honored and humbled by the support we get from you and your friends.

We want you to know YOU ARE APPRECIATED!!!!

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